Updated (12 Feb 2023)
Postfix & Prefix Evaluator
This is a simple Prefix or Postfix Evaluator.
Enter the Postfix or Prefix expression below in box and press Evaluate
Note: Enter the number and operators seperated with space " "
Understanding the Postfix & Prefix Evaluator
Our Postfix & Prefix Evaluator is a powerful tool designed to calculate the result of mathematical
expressions written in postfix (Reverse Polish Notation) or prefix (Polish Notation) formats. This
evaluator is particularly useful for students, programmers, and anyone working with these alternative
mathematical notations.
What are Postfix and Prefix Notations?
- Postfix Notation (Reverse Polish Notation): In this notation, operators follow
their operands. Example: 4 5 + 6 2 - *
- Prefix Notation (Polish Notation): Here, operators precede their operands. Example:
+ - 2 7 * 8 / 4 12
How to Use the Evaluator
- Enter your postfix or prefix expression in the input box.
- Ensure that numbers and operators are separated by spaces.
- Choose the appropriate evaluation mode (Postfix or Prefix) using the respective buttons.
- Click the "Evaluate" button to see the result.
- Review the evaluation process in the table below the result.
Features of Our Evaluator
- Dual Evaluation: Supports both postfix and prefix notations.
- Step-by-Step Breakdown: Displays the evaluation process in detail, helping users
understand the algorithm.
- Support for Complex Expressions: Handles multiple operators and operands.
- Easy Conversion: Includes a link to convert between infix, postfix, and prefix
Why Use Postfix and Prefix Notations?
While less intuitive for humans, postfix and prefix notations have several advantages:
- They eliminate the need for parentheses and operator precedence rules.
- They are easier for computers to parse and evaluate.
- They are used in many programming languages and in some calculators.
This evaluator is valuable for:
- Students learning about expression evaluation and stack-based algorithms.
- Programmers implementing calculators or expression parsers.
- Anyone looking to understand or work with postfix and prefix notations.
Understanding the Evaluation Process
The evaluator uses a stack-based algorithm:
- For postfix: It scans from left to right, pushing operands onto a stack and applying operators to
the top stack elements.
- For prefix: It scans from right to left, following a similar process but with reversed order of
By using this tool and studying the evaluation process, you can gain a deeper understanding of how these
notations work and how stack-based algorithms can efficiently evaluate complex expressions. This
knowledge is fundamental in various areas of computer science, particularly in compiler design and
expression parsing.